What is shared equity housing?
Affordable housing cooperatives that include multifamily, scattered site or manufactured housing parks, like ROCUSA members, as well as community land trust models that include affordable housing.
The Cooperative Development Foundation's Affordable Housing Initiative helps educate communities and decision-makers about opportunities for resident- and/or community-owned and controlled housing that can help level the playing field and strengthen long-term housing stability.
You can learn more below through reports, webinars, flyers, and videos with experts from national organizations, community groups, public housing officials, academia, and members of housing co-ops about how shared equity homeownership models and community land trusts can help you and your community preserve and increase permanently affordable housing options for residents. Please download, print, use, and share with your community.
"Trends in Shared Equity Housing," is a working paper commissioned by CDF on the models, their history, and financing and technical assistance needs by researchers from The Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University.
We will update the working paper as new information becomes available. If you have insights or research to contribute to the report, please contact Mary Griffin at mgriffin@ncba.coop.
Want to use the report in your communities? We pulled highlights from the "Trends in Shared Equity Housing" report that shed light on compelling facts and figures that can be used for education and promotion of shared equity housing work in your communities.​​
Hear from residents of Seabury Cooperative in New Haven, Connecticut, about their work to preserve their affordable housing cooperative.
This country needs more affordable homeownership options. And more communities are looking to the long-established Limited Equity Cooperative (LEC) and Community Land Trust (CLT) models to provide a permanently affordable way to provide homes for low and moderate-income individuals and families. But how do these models work to provide housing ownership and stability? Who controls the decision-making, and how do you get them financed and developed?
Looking for strategies to address your community’s affordable housing needs? In ways that advance equity for residents? The housing crisis affects nearly every community across the country, whether you live in an urban, suburban or rural setting. The crisis is often framed as single family homes out of reach for many versus escalating cost of renting. But alternative models of ownership—through affordable housing cooperatives and community land trusts—are long-established, proven models of providing access to stable, affordable housing in ways that are fair and strengthen the overall community. During this webinar, we heard from local housing agency representatives who have helped create or preserve affordable housing through cooperative and community land trust models.
On July 31st, the Cooperative Development Foundation (CDF) and NCBA CLUSA's Strengthening Cooperative Communities project co-hosted a webinar to introduce three shared equity housing models providing a high-level overview of the benefits of each, differences between them, and how they can be applied to level the playing field and contribute to the agency and security of all. The webinar explored how these models can work in agricultural and producer communities across America’s farmlands and what USDA funds are available to support new and existing projects.
Primary support for the Affordable Housing Initiative is provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Foundation. Additional resources are provided by the Cooperative Development Fund and the Do Well to Do Good funds honoring cooperative hero Chuck Snyder.