Roles and Responsibilities of Home Care Cooperative Board Members
Margaret Bau, Cooperative Development Specialist, USDA
December 9, 2019
Roles and Responsibilities PowerPoint
How the Board Conducts Its Business
Courtney Berner, Executive Director, University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives
December 9, 2019
How the Board Conducts Business PowerPoint
Working With the Management of a Worker-Owned Home Care Cooperative
Margaret Lund, Cooperative Consultant
December 9, 2019
Working With Management PowerPoint
Communication Tips for a Good Board Meeting and Beyond
Margaret Lund, Cooperative Consultant
December 9, 2019
CHRONIC CARE ACT: Making the case for LTSS in Medical Advantage Supplemental Benefits
Anne Tumlinsen, CEO, Innovations
December 18, 2018
Download PowerPoint
The following report is referenced in this webinar:
Milliman Brief: Review of Contract Year 2019 Medicare Advantage supplemental health care benefit offering, December 2018, written by Catherine Murphy-Barron and Eric Busby. Commissioned by Better Medicare Alliance, Inc.
My CNA Jobs
February 19, 2019
Want to see how your offering stacks up against the competition? Download the Competitive Brand Analysis
Looking to see how your pay ranks locally? Run a pay analysis
Want to share the data and trends with your team? Download the Get Competitive Trend Report
Looking for a tool to calculate your cost per hire? Check out the CPH Calculator
Have an opening and need to hire caregivers? Let us help. Book a 10 minute recruitment meeting with us, see how many caregivers are ready to work in your area, or check out recruitment trends from home care agency leaders.
Employment Law Discussion
Tom Harrington, The Employment Law Group, Washington DC
June 18, 2019
Topics covered:
1. Client/Caregiver Discrimination Issues
Can an agency honor a client’s request to avoid assigning certain “types” of caregivers? Some real-life examples:
Can a client state that because of his religious beliefs, he doesn’t want a caregiver that is a homosexual coming into his home?
What about smoking? Can a client request a caregiver who doesn’t smoke? Can a caregiver request not to be assigned to a smoker’s home?
Can a client request that caregivers with visible tattoos not be assigned to their home?
Can a client request a female or male caregiver?
How should an agency handle a client who refuses care from an African American, a Latina, a caregiver wearing a head covering (for religious reasons – a Muslim, a Mennonite, etc.), or having other religious beliefs that they do not align with.
Does the agency have to get a replacement?
How can an agency best avoid workplace discrimination charges when taking into consideration client preferences?
Specific example: A client discriminates against a home care worker (HCW) and the agency immediately removes the home care worker. Could the HCW file a complaint with the Department of Labor because the client is discriminating against them?
2. Employment Classification
What are the legal requirements and implications of classifying someone as an independent contractor versus an employee in home care.
What are the main distinctions between independent contractors and employees? Can a person in a management role still be an independent contractor?
3. Direct Hire and Do Not Compete Clauses
How do Direct Hire Clauses/Do not compete clauses work in practice? What are the core elements to ensure a strong clause? How effective are they?
4. Employee Termination
What are best practices for firing an employee-- what documentation is required to protect the employer?
3D Marketing
Leigh Davis, Founder & CEO, Davis + Delaney
August 20, 2019
Financial Management
Margaret Lund, Principal, Co-Opera Co
Nic Miragliuolo, Senior Business Consultant, The ICA Group
October 15, 2019
The Community Summit
Kippi Waters, Administrator, Peninsula Home care Cooperative
December 17, 2019
What No One Told You About PPP
Jennie Msall, Senior Business Consultant, ICA Group
Sandra Magri, Controller, ICA Group
May 12, 2020
What's Next in Home Care Marketing and Sales
David Mills, Chief Growth Officer, Story Collaborative
Amy Alexander, Creative Director, Story Collaborative
July 14, 2020
How to Host a Virtual Annual Meeting & Other Tips for Remote Member Engagement
John Gieryn, Loomio
Leslie Watson, Columinate
October 20, 2020
Client and Caregiver Feedback - How to Get It & What To Do With It
Evan Westensee, Home Care Pulse
December 15, 2020
Worker's Compensation and Employee Benefits in Home Care
Gavin Studner, Odell Studner
Peter Darlington, Rigg Darlington Group
April 20, 2021
Compensación al Trabajador y Beneficios a los Empleados en la Atención Domiciliaria
Gavin Studner, Odell Studner
Peter Darlington, Rigg Darlington Group
20 de Abril de 2021
La dominancia del idioma inglés ha sido un eje de poder y exclusión en la sociedad de los Estados Unidos. Tenemos el poder de cambiar esta realidad, empezando en nuestras propias comunidades. Por esta razón, la Fundación de Desarrollo Cooperativo (CDF) ha proporcionado una traducción al español de esta exposición. Esperamos que este seminario web bilingüe sea un punto de comunicación, aprendizaje y participación con un público más amplio, que a menudo es excluido de conversaciones relacionadas con la compensación por accidente laboral y los beneficios. Sabemos lo importante que es hablar y reflexionar sobre una gran variedad de experiencias al compartir historias de la educación, el racismo, y la organización en nuestra comunidad de atención domiciliaria.
Un reto que enfrentamos en esta traducción del inglés al español fue en abordar el hecho de que el idioma español convencionalmente utiliza artículos, sustantivos y pronombres masculinos, aun para describir a personas de todos los géneros. Con el fin de reconocer que las mujeres, las personas trans, y las personas de género no normativo son miembros importantes de nuestras comunidades, que a menudo se hacen invisibles a través del uso tradicional de los indicadores de género del idioma español, hemos evitado, en lo posible, el uso del lenguaje de género. También hemos adoptado la práctica cada vez más común de utilizar una "e" en lugar de las vocales tradicionales “a” y “o”.
¡Esperamos que disfrute de la traducción de esta obra pionera e histórica, y nos gustaría escuchar sus opiniones y sugerencias acerca de la versión en español de este texto!
Common Co-op Governance Pitfalls and How to Prevent Them
Emma Rubin, The ICA Group
June 15, 2021
Los Obstáculos Comunes de la Gobernanza Cooperativa y Cómo Prevenirlos
Emma Rubin, The ICA Group
June 15, 2021
Home Care Secondary Cooperative and New National Website and Marketing Platform for Home Care Cooperatives
Katrina Kazda, The ICA Group
October 19, 2021